Emotions are an integral part of human nature from birth to death. Through emotions we react and respond to life in so many different ways including anger, happiness, fear, love and loneliness. Emotions influence our environments; they inspire our wants and needs; they affect our bodies and impact on our relationships and ultimatly build our character.
\’Emotional Literacy\’ is the ability to recognize, understand and express ourselves. Just as verbal literacy is the basic building-block for communicating and learning words, emotional literacy is the basis for sensing and communicating emotions.
Here is a video primer on how a teacher can explore tackling the subject of emotional literacy in the classroom.
In fact, many problems in modern society can be attributed to people being unable to understand and appropriately express emotion. Emotional Literacy is a preventive tool, which properly understood, can help solve many social ills — violence, illness, drug abuse, dysfunctional relationships, and global societal conflicts.
On the other hand, people who deal with emotions in a positive way find tremendous benefit. Emotional Literacy can contribute to health, to positive relationships, to success, and to quality of life.
When we recorded Pop Lock and Learn\’s \’Hip Hop Times Tables\’ we were extremely conscious of how each character vocalized their emotions. \’Edutainment\’ allows for a child to listen, watch and feel the emotional core of a subject in an entertaining manner. Through this blog, we intend to explore this subject on a deeper level with context to various subject matters.