I ran into a new friend who is a researcher in neurology, discovering how octaves and tones affect different parts of the brain. An interesting conversation proceeded whereby we discussed whether it is the brain that see\’s the world or the world that see\’s the brain…
Indeed, we agreed there would be no answer in sight and this could be the end all and be all of discussions. Shortly thereafter, like a magnet, I come across some very recent research on using neural maps to photographically recreate thoughts or images from inside ones mind. With all the neurological studies and research going on right now, new dicoveries are being made about how the brain translates thoughts, sights and sounds. An overview article on some of the research can be found here thanks to Wired.
Is this type of technology that can be classified as intriguing but dangerously intrusive? For all of you that have absorbed the weight of this information, there will be a part 2 to this blog post coming soon.